Peace, Love, and Underpants

The Random and Sometimes Relevant Rantings of a Strange Little Girl

gMail: dragonflyhollow

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ok, here we go...

I've decided that this seems to be the best way to keep in touch with certain folk , and who knows, maybe I'll actually post stuff from time to time. Usually I get all excited like a family of elderly squirrels trying to escape from a sack, and start up things like this but never follow through. Then they float in midair, exactly like bricks refuse to, and eventually float off into the cyber-ether somewhere until finally, I forget the password. So this time I resolve to be a sexy beast, and keep up with my posties. Not to be confused with pasties, which are also quite fun. I heartily welcome myself to my blog.


Blogger Azathoth100 said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blog. We sure are happy to have you here in this place where things don't make sense, poeple don't understand, and time has no meaning. It's like the twilight zone without the twisty endings. Now you too are trapped here. So welcome to the Blog, hope you survive the experiance.

12:39 PM  
Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement said...

Your HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:32 AM  

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