Peace, Love, and Underpants

The Random and Sometimes Relevant Rantings of a Strange Little Girl

gMail: dragonflyhollow

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Morning Ramblings

Ok, a couple of things today. First, Tuesday the 12th is my birthday, and all must do the hokey-pokey in my honor.

Second, I am in a great mood. Matt sold his crappy truck that we both hated, and got a really cool Chevy Blazer for a steal, we made a profit on the deal, and also have one less bill per month(his truck pmt.)!! Plus our insurance will go down, yay!! And I know this is going to sound girly and probably dumb to be so excited about this next thing, but I am; we've cancelled his bank account, and now we have a joint one!! With checks that have both our names on them, hurrah!! I've never done that before, even after 3 years with my ex!! I considered sending all my friends a check for a dollar just to show off hehehe...

Lastly, I was going to post another project, but it's going to take a bit too long for me to complete right now, so I'll post it in the next few days or so. Don't hold your breath, after a minute or 3 most will lose consciousness, and then how will you post?

Mmmmmmm it's bagel time....


Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement said...

Make checks payable to Brian Mitchell

P.O. Box 229
Rockfall, CT. 06481

Do we get three bucks you know three of us!!

p.s. happy b-day!!!

10:43 AM  
Blogger Azathoth100 said...

Happy Birthday! I tried doing the pokey but I'm old and decrepied and my back gave out on the turn myself around part. Good stuff with the truck! Congrats on the checking account. It's not girley, well maybe a little but's that's ok. I look forward to you next challenge. Smile. I miss you.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, Tuesday the 12th is my birthday, and all must do the hokey-pokey in my honor.

Dammit, I always forget to do that. Must be the lack of good roller rinks around here...

And I know this is going to sound girly and probably dumb to be so excited about this next thing, but I am . . .

It's not dumb, it's closure. **hug**

10 years ago today I used my Wesleyan e-mail account for the first time. So yes, we are getting old. And I miss you, too.



7:05 PM  

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