Peace, Love, and Underpants

The Random and Sometimes Relevant Rantings of a Strange Little Girl

gMail: dragonflyhollow

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Almost Gone...

Ok folks, this will be my last post for probably a couple of weeks; either until I find a public library/internet cafe out there in CO, or until we hook up the DSL at our... BRAND NEW APARTMENT!!!! I'm sitting here at work, just munching on some salad, and thinking about the move. The truck is packed with 8 linear feet of our stuff, was picked up today (9-21), and is on its way out to meet us in Lakewood next Friday. NEXT FRIDAY!!! Yeesh, my head is spinning. I have been very fortunate, in the past several weeks, to be able to see several old and wonderful friends. My friends Freddy and the Curmudgeon were amazing at karaoke (unfortunately I am not so brave yet); I got to visit my beautiful friend Eileen, her terriffic husband, the two adorable kids, the two adorable dogs, the beautiful house with a white picket fence(not just a metaphor... white picket fence, I swear!); and Mr.M and I both got to go see my friends D&L, who cooked us an incredible dinner of tomato/cucumber salad, ribs, squash, and dilled mooshed potaters. Yummmmmm!!! We ate leftovers for 2 days, gave a nice juicy bone to Titan(dad's BIG puppy), and gave a rib to Dad to taste... Loved by all. Nothing beats food by people who know how to cook from scratch! We aspire to do as well in our kitchen. They also taught us how to play cribbage, which is super-fun, and we are now totally addicted. Oh, and I also got to meet J&C, who own a business that I answer for here at my job(answering service), and have been talking to them both for over 2 years, and they were always so nice, I figured I had to stop over and say hi, so I did, and they were just as nice in person! They have a beautiful house too, and 2 really great kids. I can't wait to have a house with Mr.M that's just a beautiful as theirs, and Eileen's! Hopefully, the way we're planning things for Colorado, that shouldn't be more than 5 years away for us.

Anyway, we're leaving at 2am on the 27th, next Tuesday morning, and then straight off to PA where we're meeting my ex and very good friend R for breakfast, then only minor pitstops along the way to Lakewood. I want to see at least one cheeseball attraction on the way out, like the world's biggest walnut or something like that. Mr.M thinks I'm insane, but that's nothing new; and not for nothing, so is he!! I swear it's why we make such a great pair, but it sounds more like a psychological disorder - shared insanity. Well, at least the penguins in my head agree with me.

I love all of you, and I'll be back posting real soon!


Blogger said...

Have a safe trip girlie, and write when you can - I want to know ALL about your trip out to CO and everything you saw. I hope you're taking HEAPS of photos as well!!! Missing you like crazy over here. =(

6:19 PM  
Blogger Azathoth100 said...

I'll smile and wave, but there will be tears as well so don't look too close. Safe trip my friend.

5:01 PM  

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