Still Here[ish]
Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still alive, just busy beyond all sense. The truck shows up Monday, and we just read on the bill of lading that we were supposed to call the terminal to arrange drop-off time last thursday!!! Crap. We'll call 1st thing Monday morning and hope for the best... Wish us luck! I'll post again next week from here at work, we're at my folks' place now and have no internet access. I was worried that it might be crippling, but it's a bit of a relaxing change; an e-vacation, if you will. Anyhow, off I go, and I hope everyone has a great week!!
it just hit me that you are leaving again,though i am not sad this time around. i am so happy for you my little friend that you have found your own prince charming! remember all of our goofy times like going bowling at 2am just because it was open and we could, all of our get togethers at the diner and the point keep those times cherished as i do. matt be good to my little friend as she will to you. i hope my amanda finds a little friend like i did to enrich,love and brighten her life you did to her mommys! i love you eileen
I am sad she's leaving, but I'm also happy for her and Matt. I'll miss my Brenenenenena.
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