Coming Together, and Frustration!!
So it seems that things are starting to come together for us here in beautiful, not terribly winter-ish, Colorado. Yay! Mr.M's paychecks are coming in fast and furious, they're direct deposited into our bank account every Monday, which is wonderfully convenient. I still have to go to the bank to deposit mine, as my company doesn't offer direct deposit. *pout* Hey, that's quite all right though. If the worst of our problems is having to go to the bank twice a month, *gasp* then guess what? We're in pretty good shape, I'd say! We've completely paid off the cable bill, and are very close to paying off the phone bill. We've already mailed off the payments for my truck and Mr.M's back taxes(monthly payment from last year's taxes), and we still have plenty left over for paying rent on the 1st of November. Oh, and do you all want to hear a lovely(horror)story about a bank, a rent check, and a truck payment? I know you do! Here we go...
First in this tale of confusion and woe is a letter. A letter from our bank back in CT. This letter, successfully received at our apartment in CO, informed us that due to an error in the bank somewhere, they had sent some cancelled checks to the wrong customers in their bank statements. Talk about an oops! This letter also contained our new account number, with new checks to follow. The old account number would only be good for a month. Now keep in mind that we got the letter well after the start of December, and thought the account number would be ok through at least the end of the month. So I call to make the truck payment, done by electronic check, on the 25th. We write the check for rent, and give it to the office on the 30th or 31st, something like that. These are the last 2 things we plan to do with this bank account, just to use up the rest of the money in there before closing it. We keep checking the balance on the acct., and the truck payment hasn't come out, and it usually only takes a day or two, so I'm getting worried. I finally call to talk to the truck finance company, and they inform me that as of January 12th(!) the bank had reversed the charges, no reason given. I call the bank, freaking out now because my truck payment is officially late(and it's never late!), and they inform me that it's because I gave my old account number and it was no good as of January 20th. ACK! At any rate, we get that all straightened out, explain it to the finance company, pay my payment, and don't end up having to pay the late fee, or have it go against my credit. Hurrah! Now... Do we, as intelligent(ahem)folks, even give a thought about the rent check? No, of course not! Therefore, somewhere around January 20th, we get a letter tacked to our door saying that the rent check bounced, and detailing a laundry list of fees. Late fee, bounced check fee... Well, that's it, but it added up to about $100. DOUBLE ACK! Also, we have to now pay the FULL amount, including fees, to the office within 2 days, cashier's check or money order ONLY. So in order to wire transfer the money from there to here, we'd have to sign, in person, paperwork there in CT. Scratch that. Finally we call the CT bank and discover that we can raise the daily limit on ATM withdrawals for a one-time transaction, so we did that, and finally, all was well. We got the cashier's check(another $4 fee; annoying, but do-able), gave it to the office, and went home to commit ritual suicide. We then decided that would be absolutely silly, so we just went to sleep instead, wildly anticipating the day we can write a letter to our old bank and tell them to bugger off. That day is fast approaching, I'll be sending out said letter in the first week of February. Hurrah!
Ok, enough money talk. I'm writing all this from work(it's really slow tonight!), so on my next day off, Tuesday, I'm going to [finally] catch up on my email, and send out some nice boring ones(as I've covered most of the interesting stuff here)to folks I've been neglecting, and spend some time on the IM's chatting, if there's anyone on. Maybe make some phone calls, too... Who knows. Mr.M will be at work from 12:30pm-10pm, so I'll have the computer all to myself! Muahahaha!
Ooooh, and one more thing; for those of you who blog, you simply have to take a look at this website... Look up your blog, and your friends' blogs... It's really neat! It's called 'B$, The Fantasy Blog Stock Market', and it cracked my right up. Go here to look at your BlogShare values!
First in this tale of confusion and woe is a letter. A letter from our bank back in CT. This letter, successfully received at our apartment in CO, informed us that due to an error in the bank somewhere, they had sent some cancelled checks to the wrong customers in their bank statements. Talk about an oops! This letter also contained our new account number, with new checks to follow. The old account number would only be good for a month. Now keep in mind that we got the letter well after the start of December, and thought the account number would be ok through at least the end of the month. So I call to make the truck payment, done by electronic check, on the 25th. We write the check for rent, and give it to the office on the 30th or 31st, something like that. These are the last 2 things we plan to do with this bank account, just to use up the rest of the money in there before closing it. We keep checking the balance on the acct., and the truck payment hasn't come out, and it usually only takes a day or two, so I'm getting worried. I finally call to talk to the truck finance company, and they inform me that as of January 12th(!) the bank had reversed the charges, no reason given. I call the bank, freaking out now because my truck payment is officially late(and it's never late!), and they inform me that it's because I gave my old account number and it was no good as of January 20th. ACK! At any rate, we get that all straightened out, explain it to the finance company, pay my payment, and don't end up having to pay the late fee, or have it go against my credit. Hurrah! Now... Do we, as intelligent(ahem)folks, even give a thought about the rent check? No, of course not! Therefore, somewhere around January 20th, we get a letter tacked to our door saying that the rent check bounced, and detailing a laundry list of fees. Late fee, bounced check fee... Well, that's it, but it added up to about $100. DOUBLE ACK! Also, we have to now pay the FULL amount, including fees, to the office within 2 days, cashier's check or money order ONLY. So in order to wire transfer the money from there to here, we'd have to sign, in person, paperwork there in CT. Scratch that. Finally we call the CT bank and discover that we can raise the daily limit on ATM withdrawals for a one-time transaction, so we did that, and finally, all was well. We got the cashier's check(another $4 fee; annoying, but do-able), gave it to the office, and went home to commit ritual suicide. We then decided that would be absolutely silly, so we just went to sleep instead, wildly anticipating the day we can write a letter to our old bank and tell them to bugger off. That day is fast approaching, I'll be sending out said letter in the first week of February. Hurrah!
Ok, enough money talk. I'm writing all this from work(it's really slow tonight!), so on my next day off, Tuesday, I'm going to [finally] catch up on my email, and send out some nice boring ones(as I've covered most of the interesting stuff here)to folks I've been neglecting, and spend some time on the IM's chatting, if there's anyone on. Maybe make some phone calls, too... Who knows. Mr.M will be at work from 12:30pm-10pm, so I'll have the computer all to myself! Muahahaha!
Ooooh, and one more thing; for those of you who blog, you simply have to take a look at this website... Look up your blog, and your friends' blogs... It's really neat! It's called 'B$, The Fantasy Blog Stock Market', and it cracked my right up. Go here to look at your BlogShare values!