Peace, Love, and Underpants

The Random and Sometimes Relevant Rantings of a Strange Little Girl

gMail: dragonflyhollow

Sunday, September 26, 2004


I have decided that from time to time, when I have nothing better to say, I am going to post annoying, yet fun, little things to do on a blog that I have borrowed. See, my ex-bf Ryan, who I am still really good friends with[I even introduced him to Matt!], has an account on that I love reading... and he also seems to have a rather fun group of online friends who have some neat ideas. So I've decided to borrow one from them once in a while, just for something fun for me to do, and something to annoy y'all with. If this idea pisses you off, then you should go have a glass of iced tea and maybe take a nap. That being said, here is your first assignment:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence[not line].
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

Equadistant here were:

1. L'ampoule BRULE TRES FORT et elle PEUT PROVOQUER DES LESIONS OU BRULER OU METTRE LE FEU. {from the French instruction manual for Matt's new rechargeable MagLite.}

2. And before her the crowd stretched in all directions, grinning faces and waving hands, short girls and boys leaping up the better to see, and those on balconies rising to get a more careful look. {Beauty's Punishment ~ by Anne Rice writing as A.N. Roquelaure}

YAAAAAY I can't wait for more FUNFUNFUN!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ok, here we go...

I've decided that this seems to be the best way to keep in touch with certain folk , and who knows, maybe I'll actually post stuff from time to time. Usually I get all excited like a family of elderly squirrels trying to escape from a sack, and start up things like this but never follow through. Then they float in midair, exactly like bricks refuse to, and eventually float off into the cyber-ether somewhere until finally, I forget the password. So this time I resolve to be a sexy beast, and keep up with my posties. Not to be confused with pasties, which are also quite fun. I heartily welcome myself to my blog.